Thank you!

Thank you!

I haven’t posted a blog since the end of last year. Let me explain “why?”

My bride and I dove St Thomas (USVI) in early November. We flew there and back on American Airlines’ over-crowded planes, and I believe we were exposed to Covid on the flight home. The captain turned off the air circulation before we had all deplaned! Dawn tested positive on November 23 and I tested positive on November 25. The next three weeks were a blur.

As an instructor, Covid was awful. No exercise for weeks! I had to pass a dive physical before I could teach again. I had to build up my stamina and stop coughing long enough to pass the physical.

I was able to get back in the pool as an instructor in late January. And since then, it has been a crazy busy, good time! I was only able to do 13 certifications in my entire first year. If all goes as planned, I will have 60 certifications with PADI by the end of August. This has allowed me to apply for and become a “Master Scuba Diver Trainer” (MSDT). Bonnie, Erik, Ian, and Kyra—Thank You! I think I learned as much from you as you did from me. Craig, Nate, Michael, and Levi—pushing you pushed me and made me a better instructor! Vince, Sean, Eileen, Amber, and Madison—Watching you grow and diving with you in Roatán is more rewarding than I can say. Wes, Becky, Skylar, Sarah, John, Mina, and Jaxson—I am so grateful for the privilege of mentoring you. I am growing as an instructor because you are letting me try new ideas. Your confidence in me is humbling, and I am proud of each and every one of you! Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for referring your friends. This is very much a word-of-mouth business, and you give me great optimism for the days to come!

I especially want to thank Eric, owner of The Scuba Dive in Riverton, Utah. Thank you for letting me teach in your amazing pool. Thank you for being generous with our students. Your hospitality humbles me! I learn from you and your amazing team of instructors every time I’m in the shop. Thank you!

I retire from my “dry job” on August 10th. After this, I promise to take more time for blogging. Thanks for reading my blog! Let’s keep diving! Let’s have more fun!