There is nothing funny about these “Deep Thoughts”

It was our 7th dive with Divetech in Grand Cayman. We were diving a site known as The Knife. It begins with a swim-through at 113 feet. The dive plan was to do the swim-through, and then move up to 90 feet and gradually move across and up the wall. Sensible enough. All went well until…

Let’s get high: Three things you need to know about Altitude Diving

Reading on-line scuba forums and groups is both a blessing and a curse. I think that the curse (and cursing) has been exacerbated by Covid-19. Everyone is frustrated, and patience, tolerance, and kindness are often neglected. The blessing comes when you hear real questions from divers—novice and experienced—from all over the world. One recent question…

“Look, but don’t touch”: What some Divemasters do poorly.

I’ve been stewing about something since my bride and I returned from the U.S. Virgin Islands earlier this month (November, 2020). As scuba instructors, we beg students to “Never touch the reef or its critters.” Most Open Water manuals contain this kind of counsel: “In general, avoid touching living organisms underwater. Doing so almost never…

Practice makes perfect? Making “Deliberate Practice” Fun

Practice makes perfect? Watch a sloppy golfer hit a bucket of balls or a flat skier ski his 100th run and you won’t believe this any more. As my friend and teacher Bob Stell says, “You can’t change what you tolerate.” Let’s consider a different approach. Let’s think about what is called “deliberate practice.” It…

You are Responsible for You and the Paradox of Being a Good Dive Buddy

In my post on When things get wonky underwater, “Save Yourself First,” I mused about each diver’s need to “dive first,” to deal with any emerging situation second, and finally to communicate as needed. The more you get into diving, the truer this becomes. Each of us is ultimately responsible for our own safety. Some…

Desperately Seeking… Sausages! (Sorry, Madonna, we’re not seeking Susan)

On a boat dive, you have time to look around at other people’s gear. Impressive? Showy? Who has the biggest camera set-up? I look for what is missing! One piece of gear is consistently missing. The signal sausage! Why should we care? Two brief stories… We were diving at a site called Mwana wa mwana,…